Christian Barneson Hart, PhD
November 19, 1961 – August 26, 2009
Dr. Christian Barneson Hart died on the 26th of August 2009 in Los Angeles. Born in Marin County, California on November 19, 1961, he was 47 years old. He is survived by his father, Archibald Hart III and his wife, Kathy; his brother, Dominick Peterson Hart; and his nephew, Chase Barneson Hart. His mother, Karen Peterson Hart, passed away in April 1984.
Dr. Hart was a dedicated professor of psychology at Santa Monica College (SMC) since 1999. He earned his doctoral degree in clinical psychology from UCLA in 1994, where he received a research fellowship to support his research in psychoneuroimmunology. Before joining the SMC faculty, he had a psychotherapy practice and was a clinical instructor and researcher at UCLA.
His passion and concern for helping others started early in life. In 1983, as an undergraduate at San Diego State University, he co-founded the first, and what would become the largest, social service agency for those impacted by the AIDS epidemic in San Diego County. His commitment to public service and social justice would continue throughout his life.
In 2008, Dr. Hart was honored by the Associated Students and the International Students Program at SMC for his outstanding contributions and mentorship in the lives of students and colleagues.
In 1994, Dr. Hart was recognized for his outstanding service and dedication to mental health with AIDS Project Los Angeles.
He will be dearly missed by his family, friends, colleagues and students; forever remembered as a loving, kind, inquisitive, intelligent, humble, witty, playful, creative, and passionate man with a beautiful smile and a beautiful heart.
A memorial service for Dr. Hart will be held on September 12, 2009 at 11:00am at Santa Monica College, Humanities and Social Science Building, Lecture Hall #165.
In lieu of flowers, his family requests that donations be made in his name to AIDS Project Los Angeles (213.201.1387 or http://www.apla.org) or to Santa Monica College Foundation/ Christian Hart Fund (c/o Lisa Farwell, PhD, Chair Dept of Psychology, Santa Monica College, 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or 310.434.4069).
I want to thank everyone who came to my brothers memorial service. My family could not have asked for a more beautiful moment. My brother would have been so proud to see us all come together in his honor. He will will live in our hearts forever. God Bless You.
Thank you Jim & Brenda for this beautiful website. I’m glad we all have a place to go to with our thoughts and memories of Christian. And thanks also to Christian’s students for sharing your feelings so honestly. I know that Christian really cared what you all thought. The Psychology Dept is a lonelier place without him. I keep expecting to see him around the corner, walking really fast with a 32 oz drink in his hand, hurrying somewhere. Boy do I miss him! There is a real void but I celebrate the gift that his life was by carrying on.
I just heard about Professor Hart’s passing today. I am devastated by this horrible and unfortunate news. Professor Hart was a truly entertaining and intelligent teacher. He was one of the first teachers i signed up for at SMC and he made all the students feel comfortable from the first day.
Best regards to his family, friends, and fellow students.
RIP Dr. Hart
You were always so alive, happy, and bigger than life, that it’s a shock to find out that you’re gone. You touched the lives of everyone around you and were an inspiration to me. You were always there with a smile for your students, even if it was just to chat. Thank you for being my professor. You will be sorely missed. God bless you.
Dr. Hart was my favorite teacher I had at SMC. Completely engaging, fascinating, passionate, goodhearted…always wished I’d had an opportunity to know him personally. Will always be in my heart.
I just heard the news today from another Professor. I was coincidently featured as a highlight student on the web and spoke of Dr. Hart. She thought I was speaking of him because I knew of his passing, when really I just spoke of him because he sincerly touched my heart.He was the best teacher I’ve had at SMC, and one of my top teachers in my path of education. He had a demeanor about him that was extremly engaging, and you couldn’t help but love to listen to him speak. It is because of him that I sought out counseling and got help with my panick attacks. He was an amazing person, and your family is blessed to have known him on another level.
I’m in the same class as Yorda, and I also heard about Dr. Hart’s passing yesterday. Truly, his passing is a great loss to the SMC community, and the world at large. Dr. Hart was a very compassionate, entertaining and brilliant teacher. His lectures were always very inspiring and interesting. It was as if he had an inner light that shone through when he spoke. I would imagine that this was true of his interactions in the world at large, too; that his light shone to all he spoke with. My condolences go out to his family.
I was just going to email Dr. Hart about his PNI work, as online colleagues of mine are delving into research about positive visualization and art therapy. Dr. Hart was, hands down, one of the most dynamic and exciting professors I have ever had. I started at the SMC website to track him down again, as I lost an email reply from him a few years back when I was doing my own masters level research. When I found the news about his death, I was stunned and deeply saddened. Dr. Hart was such an inspiriation, so challenging and yet so personally encouraging about my going into the art therapy field. Far from where I am in Detroit, there is an empty place in my world now. Blessings on him and his family.
I was just thinking about Professor Hart today. Remembering his beautiful spirit and incredible kindness.
I took Dr. Hart’s class as a prerequisite for a masters program in psychology. I hardly knew anything about psychology at the time and his infinite enthusiasm for the field was a huge inspiration and to this day when I think about my roots in psychology, he is the face that shines brighter than the rest. I just found out today about this wonderful man’s passing and I can’t express how much of a loss I feel for the world, as this person, who I only knew for a brief 3 months, touched me in such a deep and profound way. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me for the program I am currently in and I could never have thanked him enough. I just wish I could have told him all of this.
I can’t believe I am just finding out about this. Christian Hart was THE best professor I have ever had, and though I did not know him personally, I know he was an equally amazing man. I’m so shocked and sad, there are no words that can describe it. He cared so much about his field, and he made me want to become a psychologist. I will forever be grateful that I got to spend a semester in his class. RIP Dr. Hart.
I knew Christian when he lived in San Diego, we surfed in La Jolla and PB , he told me he was going to become a doctor, I lost track of him and decided to search for a friend that helped me so much and was the spirit that kept me going when I was down , it is indeed a very sad day today to know about this , I know he is around today because in spirit he seemed so close. I love you Chris and miss you.
Its been 18 months since we lost Christian Hart, and rarely a day goes by when I do not think about him. I miss his energy and his generosity of spirit. Those who had the good fortune to be part of his circle are forever changed for the better.
I thought I’d try to find a few old friends today on the internet; Chris was one of them. We were good friends in high school and attended SDSU together. I have so many fond memories of him, of our time together. I can’t believe he is gone. He was an amazing person. The comments from others about him doesn’t surprise me, because he had an incredible warmth and aura about him and one was lucky to have been a part of that. I am so sad to hear this news.
Chris was one of my first, close friends in High School. We stayed in touch over the years. I would often see him while he lived in, and later on, when he visited, San Francisco.
I always figured we’d meet up again down the road.
He was always a sweet caring person, with a wicked, mischievous sense of humor.
Chris, all your old junior high and high school buddies have missed you over the years, and even more now!
Chris was one of my first, close friends in High School. We stayed in touch over the years. I would often see him while he lived in, and later on, when he visited, San Francisco.
I always figured we’d meet up again down the road.
He was always a sweet caring person, with a wicked, mischievous sense of humor. And perfect teeth!
Chris, all your old junior high and high school buddies have missed you over the years, and even more now!
I found out last night that you had passed Chris. I know you know that I loved you deeply and you will always be my lost brother. I have missed you over the years. I am sorry I did not push you harder to respond to emails and phone calls but I understood it well.
I am happy for the times we did have together. OMG VISION QUEST 1977 AND 78!!! When we spoke last a few months before you passed, it was as if no time had gone by and we were boys again sharing our deepest thoughts. High school would have been so different without you. You pulled me out of my isolation many times and I will always be grateful. You were perhaps the best man I have ever known and the best parts of me owe you some deep credit. You inspired me way back in high school to be the best man I could be. You were the first to direct me to buddhism and have inspired my practice over the years. Your kindness and compassion for others should have been shared with yourself. You deserved it. I don’t want to say goodbye so soon. Thank you my friend for all that you did did for so many and for me. I love you. I miss you. Perhaps we will meet again in another life. That would be cause for great joy. Goodbye for now my oldest and dearest friend.
Chris, the loss I feel is overwhelming. I don’t want this to be real. You were such a big and important part of not only high school to me, but my life as well. You and I had a special relationship, which I am forever thankful for. Those of us who were lucky enough to have you as a friend, are eternally blessed. I remember our special times together fondly and keep them close to my heart – I always will. Thank you, Chris, for all that you gave, all that you were. Until we meet again.
Love, Heather
Two years later, now finishing my undergrad over in Colorado…sitting in a basement psychology classroom and thinking of him. My heart cracked that day in early September 2009 when I got the news, and broke a few days later, sitting alone and so confused at his memorial at SMC. The grief that fall and winter was intense, and I learned even more about myself and life in that time than I ever could have in class. The raw, ragged edges have smoothed over, but my heart will always snag when anyone mentions A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. You changed our lives. You are missed.
I just heard this news of Chris’ passing. He and I were in drama and musical theater in HS. I had the chance to visit w/ him at our 20th reunion, and he was surely missed at our 30th – I would have enjoyed sharing our love of psychology (since I returned to graduate studies in counseling psych in the 90’s). What a wonderful spirit and kind human being he was. My prayers to his family.
I learned of Chris’ death the morning of New Year’s Day. 1985-1986 I was in a Master’s program at SDSU in Counselor Education. I chose to do my internship with the San Diego AIDS Project. Two amazing, creative, loving and handsome men – Chris Hart and Joe Arnold – were my inspiration. I went on to get my MFT license and have always dedicated part of my practice to the HIV/AIDS community. Thank you Chris.
And thanks to the creators of this website.
Google searches and Facebook have been such a great way for me to find special people from my past. I am crushed to hear that Chris is gone. We had many of our psychology classes together at SDSU. We also use to go out dancing at some of the nightclubs in San Diego. He was so smart and so good. I knew he’d make an impact on lots of people some day. Looks like he did. RIP Chris. College wouldn’t have been the same without you.
I am writting because , I chanced upon this website. I feel compelled to say a few things. This man Christian Hart must have been such a joy {and still is as he still gives people pleasure with there memories}. I am crying from the heartfelt words his friends and students have to say.
I sincerely wish I had known him , I feel he would have had a profound influence in my life. I feel he had to have been a man that if there were more like him , this world could make a good change. I never met him , but i am so sorry he is gone. And it may seem kookie since i never met him , but I wish he were with us now {he is in the hearts of all good people} to be a good example .I am not certain what my beliefes on the hereafter are, but i know this mans goodness was so powerful , that even after his death he is STILL influencing his great goodness to people . Even people like me who never met him. Thank you for having this site for him. you and Chris, together have given me hope to carry on a while longer . my thanks to you all for keeping him alive to the world.